Sunday, January 13, 2008


the chinese internet system is somewhat bogus, i can publish things on the blog but unfortunately i cannot read my beautiful musings of yesteryear. so i hope i dont repeat anything. did i tell you mayhaps...that i held a live scorpion??! and it started to crawl up my sleeve but the man who handed it to me grabbed it by the tail before it could. then they fried it and i ate it. the stinger stuck the roof of my mouth but apparently the frying proccess demolishes any truculent poisonous qualities, so never fear, i was unharmed. there were a lot of other things that i did not try, such as beetle, squid and grasshopper, my favorite was sea horses which still looked quite elegant even when skewered through with a toothpick and dried up eyes, i couldn't bring myself to nosh on such beauty. my traveling companions at the moment have fallen in with some gypsies, leaving me to the sidelines with their talk of gypsy dates and gypsie parties. that is no concern of mine though, i suppose i'll pat them on the back with some vague words of encouragement as they undoubtedly face some weird times ahead. trying to get to mongolia this week, hopefully all will work out.

1 comment:

matthew green said...

eric. got yer message. in europe a scorpion kiss(or upper mouth sting) mens good luck with financial holdings. i read that in a book.i will write a detailed list of things to you soon. saw your brother at the eastside this weekend. he is coming to pdx with hid class. i scribed him a list of places to see. hopefully he calls me and comes over for a visit. i will write soon. p.s you blogging make me feel blog-ful as well.
good luck on the next leg to mongolia man. say hi to beenjammin